Leeds Vineyard Vision, Values & Story
Our Vision
We believe God has called us to establish a biblically-based community of faith in Leeds. We will worship God, pray, communicate His love and mercy to all people and commit to living out our faith in Jesus in a creative and contemporary way, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that there is good news for this generation in the Kingdom of God and we long to share that news, particularly in Headingley and Leeds.
We aim to make, train and equip followers of Jesus to be effective in the extending of God's Kingdom, to develop leaders, to plant new churches, to contribute to the blessing of the whole church and to minister with the poor in practical ways.
We are hungry to know His presence, hear His voice, and follow hard after Him.
(Psalm 63:1-3)
Through the power of the Holy Spirit we desire that Jesus' love, mercy, grace, truth, purity, power and integrity become evident in our lives.
(Ephesians 5:2)
Of Jesus and leading others into discipleship.
(Matthew 28:18-20)
We wait on Him for counsel, direction and inspiration.
(Galatians 5:5; Romans 8:14)
We believe in the authority and accuracy of the Bible and rely on it for direction in lifestyle and doctrine.
(2 Timothy 3:16,17)
Being created to worship God we seek to do so in our lives and in contemporary, dynamic and personal music and art forms.
(Hebrews 13:15, Psalm 42, John 4:24)
The main way to communicate with God and often His primary way of accomplishing His purposes.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:6)
For God to be King in our lives and to see Him at work through signs and wonders.
God has been and is merciful to us in saving us and we will extend that mercy to others.
(Colossians 3:12,13)
Speaking the truth, dealing honestly, living upright lives.
(Ephesians 4:15 -
The significant pastoral authority that rests with leaders must be exercised with humility, selflessness, grace, care and a desire to build the church.
(Mark 10:37, 44-45) -
Everyone (single, married, divorced, bereaved or whatever) is welcome. We aim to support mature relationships and growth in the church family.
(Romans 12:9-10) -
We recognise that all who are disciples of Jesus are part of His Church. We will honour all other Christians.
(John 17:21-23)
We are honoured by every person whom God adds to the Vineyard. Together we will build the Church with mutual respect, open communication, determined co-operation and believing and speaking the best about each other.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
We avoid speech, behaviour, dress and music that are not accessible to our generation. A comfortable, relaxed environment.
(1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
No hype, emotionalism or intellectualism but a willingness to see God at work through excellent rational thinking and supernatural intervention. Functioning naturally and with cheerfulness.
(James 1:5, Philippians 4:4)

The Story behind
Leeds Vineyard
David shares the story behind Leeds Vineyard
In the late 90s, when Alison and I returned to Leeds and began to gather people together with the intention of planting a new Vineyard, Leeds was already blessed with a marvellous church called the North Leeds Vineyard. But we had bought a house in North Leeds (which is where we are from) and were left scratching our heads wondering what name we should use: North East Leeds Vineyard?, Alwoodley Vineyard?, White Rose Vineyard?. We were stumped.
Then a little while later we were walking with the boys along Otley Chevin and as we gazed out North across the Wharfedale valley I felt the Lord say, “this is where you are”. So we called the church, the Wharfedale Vineyard. It wasn’t a particularly meaningful label, it wasn’t forever, it was just where we were for now.
I loved the fact that Wharfedale is a viking word made up of wharfe, which means bendy, and dale, which means valley. The bendy-valley-vineyard!
Many years later, we are now called just “Leeds Vineyard”. As the church has grown and as other Vineyard churches have come into being in Yorkshire (we planted churches in Harrogate, Sheffield and Bradford) our focus has increasingly become Leeds.
In 2013, after many years moving around from venue to venue like a hermit crab, we heard the Lord direct us toward Headingley. This is the part of Leeds in and around which Alison and I both grew up and it seems we were being sent even closer to our roots. We are under instruction to "make Headingley our Home and our Hub".
God has been gracious to us in enabling a partnership with the wonderful people at Headingley Methodist Church from whom we rent the church for Sunday worship. There can be few better situated churches in the city, we are very grateful. A group of Leeds Vineyard folk, led by Jos McLaren, also meet regularly on Sundays in Morley.
As we have been making Headingley our Home we have now bought Vineyard House (previously known as St Michael's Parochial Institute). Over the coming years we plan to make this iconic and famous building our Hub and a vibrant expression of God's compassion and justice - feeding the hungry and serving the poor.
P.S. The Wharfedale Vineyard Charity remains in place. Leeds Vineyard will operate within the Wharfedale charitable and financial structure. If you give to Wharfedale Vineyard the money will still end up in the right place. New gifts can be made to Leeds Vineyard.