Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland
“Extending God’s Kingdom together, everywhere and in every way”.
Leeds Vineyard is part of a national network of Vineyard Churches in the UK and Ireland, and part of Vineyard Global, the international expression of the Vineyard. We join in with other Vineyards as part of our local (Yorkshire) Area and through national events.
Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland (VCUKI) exists to participate in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practice.
Our National Directors are John & Debby Wright. John & Debby helped John & Eleanor Mumford plant the SW London Vineyard in 1987 and went on to plant Trent Vineyard in 1996 – the church they still pastored until 2023. The national leadership of VCUKI was passed to the Wrights from the Mumfords during 2015-2016.