Fresh Seasons
This is a fresh season in the life of Leeds Vineyard. Over the course of 2025 and up until September 2026 Tomás & Hetal Knowlson are Senior Pastors in Training at the church.
David & Alison and Tomás & Hetal have a deep desire for the church to flourish in the coming years. Therefore the handover process is carefully following best practice and advice from experienced Vineyard leaders.
Here is an article about succession which highlights the care and time needed through an analogy about heart transplants.
Here is the timeline we are working to – although it may well vary from this
Tomás & Hetal on staff as Assistant Pastors (Senior Pastors in training) - to listen, observe and learn as they engage in the life of the church.
Tomás & Hetal take on key leadership roles including managing the staff team.
Tomás & Hetal are licensed as Senior Pastors by Vineyard Churches UKI and take on Senior Pastor responsibilities (e.g. board of trustees, preaching & vision casting).
David & Alison formally handover leadership of Leeds Vineyard to Tomás & Hetal.
The weekend of 4-6 September – book it in your diary!
Funding for Fresh Seasons
You are invited to take part in Fresh Seasons through both financial and prayer support. Financial gifts can be brought as an act of worship on Sunday 16 February.
You can make a one-off gift in February 2025 or set up a standing order to run from April 2025 - September 2026.
Your gift will be designated to the fund which supports David & Alison and Tomás & Hetal during the training and handover period until September 2026.
How to give
Sort code: 20-63-25
Account Number: 40346349
Account Name: The Wharfedale Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Reference: Fresh Seasons
Stewardship (charity account)
In an envelope marked ‘Fresh Seasons’.
Made payable to Leeds Vineyard with the reference ‘Fresh Seasons’
If you believe we can claim Gift Aid on your gift please make sure you have registered for Gift Aid.
If you have any questions please email giving@leedsvineyard.org
Thank you for your prayers over the last year as we have gone from posting an advert for the Senior Pastor role; through discerning who God was calling to us; then to inviting Tomás & Hetal and, finally; to their acceptance.
As we look ahead with excitement and expectation to what the Lord has in store for us we ask you to continue in prayer.
You could focus on three main areas:
This is obviously a big change. Tomás & Hetal have lived in Manchester since 2017. They were integral to the Vineyard church community there and so this will be a big leaving-and-arriving for them. Let us pray for them to find a great home, to settle in quickly, make friends and adapt to their new situation – particularly for Ruana. Let’s pray for their equipping and strengthening, and for protection over their health, finances and relationships as they invest joyfully in getting to know lots of new people!
The church was planted by David & Alison in 1997 and has been pastored by them ever since. Inevitably this community will have deep roots and much history. Welcoming new leaders will entail lots of adjustment and patience whilst also inviting newborn vision and energy as we head into Fresh Seasons.
Please pray that we will continue to extend God’s Kingdom together, everywhere and in every way and that the church flourishes in the coming years. -
The transition will be an exciting time but history tells us that handovers can be complicated by all sorts of surprising elements. Please pray that this season will be one in which we all handle change well and in which we are gracious and patient when we hit the inevitable bumps in the road. Pray that Tomás & Hetal get all the appropriate training and preparation they need; for the trustees and for the staff throughout the process.