Leeds Vineyard

Day of Generosity Header

Day of Generosity 2022 

Leeds Vineyard is a church made up of many generous people who give regularly and joyfully as part of their discipleship. And every year we also gather up an offering to bless others, not ourselves. This is an act of worship and, as acts of worship often are, is often a real sacrifice too – especially in times of a cost-of-living crisis. 

The Lord does amazing things with our sacrificial giving - and testimonies and stories emerge in our lives as we fulfil these acts of worship. Think of the story of the woman who poured out expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet – we’re still talking about that two thousand years later (and will be on Sunday again!). There is no obligation to give of course, just an invitation to participate alongside the rest of the Church family. 

Over the last two years an already significant problem in rising mental health illness has become a crisis. Recent surveys reveal that many more than the oft-cited “one-in-four” of us experience serious mental health issues. Of particular concern is the wellbeing of our young people.

So this year we believe that it would be good for our offering to be given to charities which work with mental health provision. We are building our partnerships with both organisations and are confident that our offering will go directly into helping people suffering from mental health illness.

KH LogoKintsugi Hope 
A national charity providing resources to churches for training and enabling mental health pastoral care.

Wellspring LogoWellspring 
A Christian counselling practice based in Harrogate with whom we have worked for many years. 


How to give

ChurchSuite is our preferred way of receiving the gifts. However, if you'd like to give by other means please email giving@leedsvineyard.org



For our Day of Generosity in 2020 we gave the entire offering to Wheatfields Hospice and Love the One (a children’s charity in India). In 2021 our offering was given in response to justice issues: City Hearts (anti-slavery), Power the Fight (anti-racism) and A Rocha (care for God’s earth).