Leeds Vineyard



4th December 2017 

We have seen such generosity and faithful support for this project already.  This is very heartening indeed, as it demonstrates the level of commitment and belief shared within our community for this incredible journey we are taking together.  There will continue to be many opportunities to give and pledge time, money, expertise, support and ideas towards Vineyard House.  Please do get in touch with us directly, to provide the details of what you may be able to contribute, as we move through different stages of seeing our ideas take form.

  • Pray that we, as a community of faith, will have confidence to lay claim to the many promises God has given us, individually and corporately.
  • Pray that we will be wise and responsible with all that God has already provided us, and we will remain dependant on Him for all our needs going forward.


  • (If you haven’t quite managed to submit your own pledge, you can still do so via the website, or as most people have, by filling in the forms available from either Headingley Methodist on a Sunday morning, or from the church office through the week.)


We are currently working through and considering the proposal from the architect.  This doesn’t include design ideas yet, but is an overview of the various processes and stages required for such a project as this.  Once we have agreed this, we can commission the architect and begin the more creative process of designing the space.  With a building of this age and scale, there are many technical considerations and regulations to work with, which require careful management.

This aspect of the project may appear to be rather slow and tedious at times, but it may be helpful to consider that we are embarking on developing a building which is over 130 years old.  It was originally built as a community building to benefit the local people.  It has lost this function over recent decades, but we have an opportunity here to reinstate this designated use and see the community of Headingley blessed again by the service and function of this amazing space, and see it become a community resource once again.

Our desire is to do this, balancing:

- Sensitivity with Creativity
- Beauty with Functionality
- Warmth & Security with Challenge & Opportunity

Is it possible for an environment to be both peaceful and restorative, yet also provocative and inspiring for those who inhabit it?  These are our hopes and dreams for Vineyard House.

  • Continue to pray that we would be inspired with innovative ideas, to make the best possible use of the space available in the new building.
  • Pray that we can identify and recruit amazing, inspired people to take a lead on projects within the scope of our Big Rocks (and even the ‘Little Rocks’ within those!).
  • Pray also that those whom God has inspired with ideas and creativity will have the boldness to step forward and give voice to their thoughts and dreams!
  • If that happens to be you – we look forward to hearing from you!


  • If you have your own ideas and dreams for how we could use the space, and how you envisage the appearance/function of the building, then please contact us.  You can send these under the heading DESIGN to phil.hicks@leedsvineyard.org.

We are just awaiting confirmation of our mortgage facility for the purchase of the building.  Once this has come through, we can progress with the various searches and legal steps towards exchange and completion.  Our best estimate is that this should take us through to exchange/completion by the end of January.

  • Pray that, as we seek God’s provision for this project, He will reveal the bountiful resources we have available to us.
  • Continue to pray that there are no obstructions to this process, and that we can settle on a contract which is pleasing and acceptable to both ourselves and the vendor.

I have been blessed by a great many contributions already - If you have your own dreams/visions/prophecies for this project, then please contact the Leeds Vineyard office, so that we can continue to gather inspiration and understand better what God may have planned for us in the coming months/years, as we tread with excitement and anticipation down this path.

  • Ask God to reveal to you the particular ways that you may be able to get involved now and once the new building is established.  Has God placed an idea for a ‘Big Rock’ or even a ‘Small Rock’ on your own heart?  Firstly, we would encourage you to share this idea with someone close to you, but to also get in touch, and share it with us, so that we can consider all possibilities!

Phil Hicks