Leeds Vineyard


3rd November 2017 

We are now in conversation with an architect who has done a lot of work with churches and church buildings, so has a good appreciation of our hopes and dreams in using this building.  He has now visited the building, and seen the surveyor’s report, so has a good understanding of the situation.  We are just working through some of the broad ideas for the work which will be required, both to clean up and renovate what is already fundamentally sound, and also to develop the parts of the building which need more major works.

An important part of this early design process is talking through with those people who will be heading up the Big Rocks – those who will ultimately lead different sub-projects and ministries within the building.  We know who some of these people are, and the ideas are starting to take form, but there are still large parts of this which are as yet unclear.  This is an exciting time to be part of seeing ideas grow and take shape!

  • Continue to pray that we would be inspired with innovative ideas, to make the best possible use of the space available in the new building.
  • Pray that we can identify and recruit amazing, inspired people to take a lead on projects within the scope of our Big Rocks (and even the ‘Little Rocks’ within those!).
  • Pray also that those whom God has inspired with ideas and creativity will have the boldness to step forward and give voice to their thoughts and dreams!
- If that happens to be you – we look forward to hearing from you!
  • If you have your own ideas and dreams for how we could use the space, and how you envisage the appearance/function of the building, then please contact us.  You can send these under the heading DESIGN to phil.hicks@leedsvineyard.org.

The legal process is progressing well.  The contract remains with the solicitors, and they continue to tweak the fine details, working up to setting an exchange/completion date.

  • Continue to pray that there are no obstructions to this process, and that we can settle on a contract which is pleasing and acceptable to both ourselves and the vendor.

With regard to raising funding and pledges, David will be updating shortly on where things stand. Suffice to say, we are now able to progress with the mortgage application, which will provide the balance of funds for the purchase.  Things are looking really positive here, so a massive thank you to everyone who has been able to contribute in this way so far.

As we have said before, there is enormous power in giving – it’s not about how much you give, but the spirit behind the giving.  “God loves a cheerful giver” – and in this case it will be a great blessing to see the project develop over the coming months, and to walk into that building and say “I helped to build this amazing house!”.

We also recognise the value and power in sacrifice.  For many of us, giving to something like this involves a degree of personal sacrifice, and that is how it should be.  In giving sacrificially, we allow ourselves to be transformed by the experience.  In effect, we are putting the needs of others before our own, which has great power in the Kingdom.  God made the ultimate sacrifice for us, in sending His son, and this is part of our response to that.

  • Pray that we, as a community of faith, will have confidence to lay claim to the many promises God has given us, individually and corporately.
  • Pray that we will be wise and responsible with all that God has already provided us, and we will remain dependant on Him for all our needs going forward.


  • (If you haven’t quite managed to submit your own pledge, you can still do so via the website, or as most people have, by filling in the forms available from either Headingley Methodist on a Sunday morning, or from the church office through the week.)

Amanda Shaw is making great progress leading the research project.  Having tweaked the details of what we need to ask people, in order to get the information we need, we are now just about to commission this project.  We have a company in place, who will be surveying the local community over a period of weeks, to find out what the perceived needs are in the local community, and how we can most effectively respond to those needs, in Jesus’ name.  The results of this research project will directly impact the shape and development of the Big Rocks.

  • Pray for open, clear communications.  Pray that through this research, we will be exposed to the reality of life for many people who live and work around Headingley.  Prayer that we will have the wisdom and insight to know how to respond to this, balancing the desire for social action with the overriding call to share the Gospel with the people of Headingley.

I have been blessed by a great many contributions already - If you have your own dreams/visions/prophecies for this project, then please contact the Leeds Vineyard office, so that we can continue to gather inspiration and understand better what God may have planned for us in the coming months/years, as we tread with excitement and anticipation down this path.

  • Ask God to reveal to you the particular ways that you may be able to get involved now and once the new building is established.  Has God placed an idea for a ‘Big Rock’ or even a ‘Small Rock’ on your own heart?  Firstly, we would encourage you to share this idea with someone close to you, but to also get in touch, and share it with us, so that we can consider all possibilities!

Phil Hicks