Leeds Vineyard


Here are some talks and presentations on the subject of money. See also the practical section about Giving.

A budgeting tool (282.3KB) 20/11/2011, Helps you plan your spending - especially coming up to Christmas
Personal budget coach training - info sheet (137.3KB) 07/05/2009,
Money Revolution worksheets (316.0KB) 23/02/2009,

David Flowers Dec 2008
It all belongs to God – why we giveThis article has associated audio
There are several mistaken reasons to give and several things that make it difficult. But the starting point, the main reason to give is because everything we have belongs to God. David provides a helpful perspective to handling money and giving. More ...
David Flowers
looking after it plant small
Looking after it
We start a new series of teaching topics around the theme of "Looking After It". To support this check out a short course being run at St George's. More ...
David Flowers
Resources relating to money
As part of the teaching series on money in Feb-Mar 2009 we have compiled a set of resources that you may find helpful and useful. More ...
David Flowers
The power of money 1: why we spendThis article has associated audio
Michele offers a challenge to us by looking at ways our hearts can be held captive by money. She also suggests ways that we can become free from that captivity. More ...
Michele Goulding
The power of money 2: Know the territoryThis article has associated audio
Ben talks about how we steward our money, addresses common myths regarding money, and challenges us to make courageous decisions about how we manage our money. More ...
Ben Newman
The power of money 3: Difficult TimesThis article has associated audio
David challenges us in difficult times to build our financial house on the rock of the truth of what the bible says about money, and not on the sand of affluenza and debt. More ...
David Flowers

David Flowers, 28/09/2006