Leeds Vineyard

Day of Generosity Header

Day of Generosity 2021 

Sunday 16 May was our Day of Generosity. We turned words into action, together, as we gathered up into one pot an offering made up of a few pence at a time and thousands of pounds at a time - and then gave it away. We shared our gift between the three justice causes we have been pressing into recently: modern slavery; racial discrimination and caring for God's earth.

In times of crisis, making a sacrifice and giving money away is a Kingdom principle. It is a joy and a privilege to be able to put our treasure where our heart is.

There was no obligation to give, just an invitation to participate in this act of worship alongside the rest of the Church family. 

Vineyard Kids saved up to be generous by putting money in their Gratitude Pot. Adults reviewed their bank accounts and savings or charity accounts. We gave online all together (regular givers to Leeds Vineyard can do so through ChurchSuite). 

We gave to these three charities: