Leeds Vineyard

Sunday 9th August


Theme: Jesus has compassion on people and meets their needs in amazing ways 

Over the next month, as a church, we are going to be looking at encounters people had with Jesus. We’re going to start this week with the story of Jesus’ first miracle which took place at a wedding party. There was a problem at the party, until Jesus stepped in!

This story shows Jesus’ kindness, love of life and joy – his first miracle was turning water into wine! For those of you who are good at finding hidden meanings, there is more to this story than there might first appear – it gives us clues about how Jesus’ life and death means our lives can be changed by the Holy Spirit living in us!

You can read this story in John 2: 1- 11 or see if you can find it in a children’s Bible. Think about what it shows you about what Jesus is like and chat with your family about this.

Here is a fun maze you could do linked to our story: 

Water to wine puzzle

We’ll be learning more about this story at our Vineyard Kids Family Service on Sunday 4pm, and it would be great to see you there!

This week we recommend ‘Sing From The Rooftops’ from our Kids Worship playlist as we celebrate the truth that we can always trust Jesus! You can access this through the Vineyard Kids Spotify Playlist or on YouTube.

Our Vineyard Sparklers sessions have now stopped for the summer, but do go back and watch some of the previous sessions again.