Leeds Vineyard

Look left, look right, look around you 

See the children?
Jesus showed us that children were just as important as adults in the Kingdom. So we welcome children and we imitate them.
Who is my neighbour?
We see from the parable of the Good Samaritan that Jesus redefines "neighbour" when he says, "Love your neighbour". He says that the posture of our lives is to love everyone else.
No win in comparison
We sometimes fall in to the -er or -est trap when we look around us. Ben helps us to be wary of judging ourselves by looking at others.
Who do you see?
The church community is more than a social club or a therapy group. The unique element that connects us together is that we are recipients of God’s grace and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. David explores 1 John 3 and Jesus' command to "love one another".